So apparently there's some blog thing going around where people are trying to outdo one another by posting cheesy music videos. Friends, if there's two things I devoted much of the 1980s to, it was cheese and MTV. Top these, if you dare.
This girl who lives down the street from me is distantly related to John Oates. For serious. And yes, this is the same girl from the "William" dream...
I grew up with hair metal. I feel this gives me the competitive edge.
I also grew up with this, which probably cancels out any competitve edge I might have gained from the hair metal...
I've saved the cheesiest for last, kids. Those shoulder pads. Those bike pants. Those socks, for christs sake. And that dance. It's a deadly combination.
Girl you know it's, girl you know it's, girl you know it's, girl you know it's...