Thursday, June 30, 2005
Fuck. Just... fucking fuck.
My digital camera totally won't work. Specifically, I can't download any photos from it onto my computer. Have tried bloody everything. Right now I'm doing web searches, and so far this is the most helpful thing I've come across:

sipix digital video the northern and southern hemispheres. A much more elaborate theory sipix camera company was advanced by Dr. Croll, and is still entertained by many. ... she had no suspicion; all was cheapest sipix sc-3300 sipix a6 drivers download confidence and reliance. " ... been in the parlour sipix sp-1300 window three days--three days ...


Oh dear lord. I actually clicked on that link, to see what could possibly follow. Here's a sampling:

ENTERTAINMENT ON THE INTERNET What implication could Internet have on the life and the way we do entertainment? Entertainment means something that amuses human beings

No shit. I'm pretty entertained so far.

Are the movies dying? Let me rephrase that Are movies the way we have understood them for several generations as suspenseful andor comic andor soul-altering shadow plays shared by large audiences in theatrical settings in their red-star end stage?

If you've seen any good soul-altering shadow plays lately, do let me know.

Test Pattern: Commercials We Hate 12 p m PTBad ads, bad adsBad ads, bad ads, whatcha gonna do? should not be used for our entertainment "And Danielle: "Animals are not for entertainment I would enjoy


¦ The News Journal ¦ Best Bets for July 37th Annual Cat Show Features 300 cats, vendors of cat toys, supplies and related items City of Wilmington Freedom Celebration

So... cats = freedom?

Along with yesterday's news item about the giant fish, I'd say these are all clearly signs of Earth's Last Days.