Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I don't know whose house this is, but they certainly spared no expense on the festive decor.

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The photos really don't do it justice. These people had hundreds of little halloween doodads.

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I wonder what it looks like at night...

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Check out the eyeballs impaled on the gate. Nice touch.

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They even put a mask on their lawn jockey. This is a stroke of genius.
This Is Halloween
In which V. embraces her inner goth and celebrates her favorite holiday.

New! Improved! Now With Mysterious Third Column! Refreshing New Color Scheme Is Slightly Different From Old Color Scheme!
Apologies for the recent blog downtime. I've been making some changes, and will hopefully keep trying to improve the way things look. But life gets busy, you know. The life of Codename V is a whirlwind of excitement. On a scale of one to ten, if one is "watching paint dry" and ten is "watching two of your friends play Pong," Codename V's life would be an eight at least. I like to live on the edge, but I don't like to push it.